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Legal notices

Company: Guard Industrie SAS
Registered office: 8 rue de Castellane – 75008 Paris – France
Share capital: EUR 1,300,000.00
Company registration number (SIRET): 352 828 917 00042
Trade and Companies Register: PARIS – Trade and Companies Register number: B 352 828 917
French Classification of Economic Activities (NAF): 4675 Z
EU VAT number: FR 65 352 828 917

Responsible bodies and contact
Publications Director: Caroline Oberto
Telephone: +33 (0)1 55 86 17 60
Fax: +33 (0)1 48 58 16 89
Webmaster contact : formutact form

Online SAS
Address: BP 438 75366 PARIS CEDEX 08
PARIS Trade and Companies Register number B 433 115 904

Website information

The conditions of access to and use of the website are specified on the Terms and Conditions of Use page.
The publisher agrees to comply with all laws concerning the creation and running of a website. For more information, see our Privacy Policy.


Terms and Conditions of Use of the Guard Industrie website


The website, also referred to in this text as the “Guard Industrie website”, offers Internet users free access to a certain number of articles concerning Guard Industrie. Use of the Guard Industrie website is subject to the acceptance of all the following conditions, without exception.

Conditions of Access to the Guard Industrie website

Costs relating to the hardware, software, internet connection needed to access the website and all related taxes are to be borne by the user.
Service guarantee.
We offer no guarantee regarding the accessibility of the Guard Industrie website:

  • neither technically (server availability),
  • nor in terms of rights of access: we reserve the right to refuse you access to the website at any time and for a duration of our choice, without having to inform you, to specify the terms, or to justify ourselves, without your being able to claim any damages.

Malfunctions and malware (viruses, etc.)

Malware means any software that may, intentionally or not, disrupt the operation of your computer or a computer system or hardware to which you are connecting or transferring data from. We have installed protections against such software on our web server. However, no technique or software can fully protect against contamination by such threats, or against their transmission to third parties, including you.
You therefore agree that the means (antivirus, antimalware, etc.) and procedures (backups, etc.) for protecting your computer and the data contained therein are entirely your responsibility and at your own expense. You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for damages that your computer or those that you have contaminated in the cases mentioned above may have caused.

Intellectual property rights

All data of any kind, including text, graphics, logos, images, audio or video clips, and software appearing on the Guard Industrie website are protected by copyright. In accordance with the provisions of Law No 98-536 of 01/07/1998 transposing into the French Code of Intellectual Property of Directive 96/6/EC of 11/03/1996 on the legal protection of databases, all this data is the property of the Guard Industrie website or of third parties having granted it the right of use and, in some cases, modification.
As such, and in accordance with the provisions of the French Code of Intellectual Property, the reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of pages, data and any other constituent element of the Guard Industrie website, by any means whatsoever, is prohibited and unless the publisher has given authorisation, constitutes an infringement. Only use for private, non-commercial purposes by users and reproduction (downloading, printing, etc.) for private, non-commercial purposes is permitted. However, this authorisation does not give you any right to modify material or extract parts (text, photos), whatever the purpose of this operation.
In the absence of prior written authorisation from Guard Industrie, any other use constitutes an infringement and is punishable by the French Code of Intellectual Property.
Guard Industrie and its logo are registered trademarks and protected by trademark law. They are the exclusive property of Guard Industrie. Other trademarks and trade names mentioned on the Guard Industrie website are and remain the property of their respective owners.

Links to other websites

No guarantee of any kind can be provided by Guard Industrie concerning the accuracy of information published on the content of other websites for which links have been created. Guard Industrie is not responsible for any changes or updates to these websites.

Hyperlinks to the Guard Industrie website

You may create one or more simple or deep hyperlinks to Guard Industrie without asking for authorisation under the following conditions:

  • you may not create a hyperlink from a website containing pornographic material or relating to gambling, a website with political, trade unionist or religious content, or a website that does not comply with laws on expression (racist or anti-Semitic remarks, etc.) or that promotes illegal activities,
  • you may not create an excessive number of deep hyperlinks with respect to database rules,
  • you may not create hyperlinks using “framing” or “hot-linking” techniques.

The creation of hyperlinks to Guard Industrie does not constitute an implicit affiliation agreement.

Responsibility and jurisdiction

Although special care has been taken in the development of this website and its content, Guard Industrie cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect damage that may be the consequence of the information it publishes.
It should also be noted that the information provided by this website is not given on an individual basis or for a specific use. It is therefore appropriate, before putting them into practice, to take into account the specific circumstances and needs. Guard Industrie reserves the right to modify or correct the content of the website at any time and without notice, including these Terms and Conditions of Use, which you are invited to consult each time before you use the website.
If any part of these Terms and Conditions of Use was or became inoperative, the others would still remain in effect. These Terms and Conditions of Use are governed by French law. Any dispute arising from these Terms and Conditions of Use will be settled within the jurisdiction of Paris (France, 75), notwithstanding multiple defendants or emergency interim proceedings.


Information processing and confidentiality


In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to information technology, data files and civil liberties, the website has been declared to the CNIL (Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés – the French Data Protection Authority).
In accordance with Article 34 of the Law of 6 January 1978, the user has a right of access to data concerning them, as well as a right to modify and delete said data.

Guard Industrie is committed to respecting the privacy of Internet users who visit its website. This guarantee of protection specifies the information that Guard Industrie will collect and how it will be used. It also indicates how the user can proceed if they do not want the information they have given us to be recorded or communicated to anyone.
It should be noted that confidentiality of data exchanges is not guaranteed over the Internet, and that every Internet user is required to take all appropriate measures to ensure their own data and/or software are protected against any potential viruses circulating on the Internet.

Information on cookies

In order to make the website more user-friendly and more in line with users’ wishes, Guard Industrie may use cookies technology on its website. A cookie is an information record by the Guard Industrie server in a text file located in the user’s computer: information that only the Guard Industrie server can later re-read and modify.
This process is intended to allow Guard Industrie to follow its users as they browse the website in order to better understand them and better meet their needs and expectations. However, the user may refuse the installation of cookies on their computer’s hard drive by configuring their browser so that it warns them of the existence of cookies on websites that they visit. However, we would like to point out that cookies help our website to be more user-friendly and optimise services offered to the user.

Data collected for our newsletter

Your personal data collected for newsletter subscription is necessary to process your request or more generally to manage our commercial relations. On the pages where personal data is collected you will be informed of the mandatory or optional nature of the information requested, as well as the possible consequences of a failure provide this information. We may send you our commercial offers to the e-mail address provided when you subscribed to the newsletter. Through us, you may also receive commercial offers from our subsidiaries and partners. If you wish to opt out, please inform us via the addresses listed below.


This website uses Google Analytics, a website analysis service provided by Google. Google Analytics uses cookies to analyse how users use the website.
The data generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted and stored by Google on servers located in the United States.
Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for its publisher and providing other services relating to website activity and Internet use. Google may disclose such data to third parties if this is legally required or if these third parties process this data on Google’s behalf, including but not limited to the publisher of this website. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google.

You can disable the use of cookies on your computer by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser
You may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google Ad and Content Network privacy policy.
You can find out more about this practice or the option of banning the use of this information by these companies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative website.
However, such an opt-out may prevent the use of certain features of this website. By using this website, you expressly consent to the processing of your personal data by Google under the conditions and for the purposes described above.

Rights of access, rectification and opposition

You have the right to access, rectify and oppose data concerning you under the conditions provided by Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to information technology, data files and civil liberties. To exercise these rights, simply contact us by e-mail or post specifying your full name, addressed by post to the following address:
Guard Industrie / Webmaster
7 rue Gutenberg
93108 Montreuil Cedex – France
or by e-mail via the contact form